segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2014
New Store for Mat Kungler.
The Mat Kungler Atelier is new store, after four long years away by force majeure, I'm back and creating new clothes. The store has a bit of old and new collection clothes are already in store.
Come and meet the new shop.
Clique here!
MK Atelier
Mat Kungler
Designer of Mat Kungler Atelier and Sensual Mistery
quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012
.::SM::. ReFei 2012 / 2013
ReFei is a new clothing line that will be launched next September in my city.
It was created by an initiative of an Association with the collaboration of several people.
As the association would launch clothes with ethnic designs on clothing, they needed someone who could design and have ideas for clothes, was when I received the invitation to work as a designer and designer of Stylites.
It was one of the projects they want done foce, really work in RL.
I am posting here some of the creations that will already be released next year in a super parade also will my participation in the organization.
News on Second Life, I'll leave the surprise.
It was created by an initiative of an Association with the collaboration of several people.
As the association would launch clothes with ethnic designs on clothing, they needed someone who could design and have ideas for clothes, was when I received the invitation to work as a designer and designer of Stylites.
It was one of the projects they want done foce, really work in RL.
I am posting here some of the creations that will already be released next year in a super parade also will my participation in the organization.
News on Second Life, I'll leave the surprise.
ReFei é uma nova grife de roupas que irá ser lançada no proximo mês de setembro em minha cidade.
Ela foi criada por uma iniciativa de uma Associação que conta com a colaboração de várias pessoas.
Como a associação iria lançar roupas com desenhos étnicos nas roupas, precisavam de alguem que soubesse desenhar e ter ideias para as roupas, foi quando eu recebi o convite para trabalhar como designer e estilita da grife.
Era um dos projetos nos quais queria que foce realizados, trabalhar realmente na RL.
Estou postando aqui algumas das criações que já serão lançadas no proximo ano em um super desfile que terá tambem a minha participação na organização.
Noticias sobre o Second Life, eu deixarei na surpresa.
Ela foi criada por uma iniciativa de uma Associação que conta com a colaboração de várias pessoas.
Como a associação iria lançar roupas com desenhos étnicos nas roupas, precisavam de alguem que soubesse desenhar e ter ideias para as roupas, foi quando eu recebi o convite para trabalhar como designer e estilita da grife.
Era um dos projetos nos quais queria que foce realizados, trabalhar realmente na RL.
Estou postando aqui algumas das criações que já serão lançadas no proximo ano em um super desfile que terá tambem a minha participação na organização.
Noticias sobre o Second Life, eu deixarei na surpresa.

Fue creado por iniciativa de una asociación con la colaboración de varias personas.
A medida que la asociación pondrá en marcha la ropa con diseños étnicos en la ropa, que necesitaban a alguien que pudiera diseñar y tener ideas para la ropa, fue cuando recibí la invitación para trabajar como diseñador y diseñador de Estilita.
Fue uno de los proyectos que quieren hacer Foce, realmente funcionan en la vida real.
He publicado algunas de las creaciones que ya se dará a conocer el próximo año en un desfile de Super también mi participación en la organización.
Noticias sobre Second Life, voy a salir de la sorpresa.
Mat Kungler
Fashion Designer
Sensual Mistery Store 2012
Fashion Designer
Sensual Mistery Store 2012
ReFei 2012/2013
ethnic designs,
female clothes,
indigene clothes,
male clothes,
Mat Kungler,
men clothes,
Sensual Mistery,
woman clothes
terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012
.::SM::. Sensual Mistery Site 2012

This year 2012 we want to make the best of everything to get into it all again in Second Life.
Still no date for the store back into Second Life, but I assure everyone that in the second half of this year we will be together again, as will communicate with your friends, I will need help from all over 2500 clients and friends.
I count on you.
I thnx!
The Sensual Mistery website 2012:
Mat Kungler
Fashion Designer
Sensual Mistery Store 2012
male clothes,
male fashion,
Mat Kungler,
second life,
Sensual Mistery,
woman clothes,
woman fashion
sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012
.::SM::. Donna Fashion 2012 new dress
To show that the .::SM::. Sensual Mistery is yet in 2012 for Second Life, I am posting here more of a future that looks are in store this year, clothes for women self luxury and beauty.
Mat Kungler
Fashion Designer
Sensual Mistery Store

Fashion Designer
Sensual Mistery Store
Mat Kungler,
second life,
Sensual Mistery,
quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011
.::SM::. News Sensual Mistery 2012
Ola pessoal do Second Life, como todos sabem, fui banido do jogo por "ter supostamente copiado" vários itens no SL, como notcards e entre outros como podem vem no e-mail nas postagens antigas, uma acusação forte sem provas, resultando no meu banimento e no desaparecimento de mais de 2 mil itens junto com a loja, quase um investimento de R$ 100 mil reais, onde eu trabalhava e tirava o meu salário todos os meses.
Tentei procurar um advogado, porém aqui em minha cidade com mais de 12 mil habitantes isso não é possível, com isso estou a quase 2 anos desempregado, dependendo praticamente da ajuda dos meus pais, pois vagas de empregos ainda mais na minha cidade é pequena é dificil.
No entanto isso não me deixou perder as esperanças de que um dia eu pudesse ser um bom designer, recentemente esse ano, andei desenhando novamente algumas roupas novas femininas e masculinas, roupas de alta qualidade com exelente elegância, mas vou ficar devendo uma foto dos croquis, pois tenho medo de novamente fashion designer verem meu blog para ter idéias em suas criações e eu novamente ficar sem créditos, como já aconteceu, porém não vou citar nomes por sem uma pessoa famosa, isso o tempo terá o prazer de fazer por mim.
Estou recentemente nos preparativos para uma mudança radical na minha vida que me ajudará e muito para abrir espaço para meu talento e para meu futuro, estarei muito em breve residindo no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), onde eu pretendo novamente acessar o SL e poder novamente criar minhas roupas para todos aqueles que o SL deixou para traz quando eu fui banido.
Eu sempre acompanho o blog de todos os que eu conheco e msmo os que eu não conheco, sei que por mais que minha loja não exista mais, sei que há pessoas que gostam de minhas criações e ainda usam para divulgar em seus blogs, para essas pessoal, eu digo, Muito Obrigado!
Obrigado a todos aqueles que me mandaram incentivo pelo meu char novo no Second Life, aos que tentam me procurar nele e aqueles que tentam saber informações sobre a loja. A todos vocês eu digo, que em 2012, eu irei voltar ao Second Life, que novamente a Sensual Mistery voltará a fazer sucesso, começando novamente do zero até chegar ao auge de toda a popularidade.
Eu agradeço de coração, espero que todos vocês tenham um ótimo Natal, um ótimo ano novo, e que tudo de bom se realize para todos, como para mim está se realizando.
Um forte abraço!
Hello people of Second Life, as everyone knows, the game was banned for "allegedly copied" several items in SL, as notcards and others as may come in the mail in older posts, a strong accusation without proof, resulting in my ban and the disappearance of more than 2000 items from the store, an investment of almost $ 100 thousand dollars, where I worked and took my salary every month.
I tried looking for a lawyer, but here in my city with more than 12 000 inhabitants that is not possible, so I'm unemployed for almost two years, depending on much the help of my parents, for more job openings in my town is small is difficult.
However that does not let me lose hope that one day I could be a good designer, recently this year, I've been designing some new clothes again male and female, high-quality clothing with excellent elegance, but I should get a photo of the sketch because I'm afraid of fashion designer again see my blog for ideas in their creations and I again run out of credits, as has happened, but I will not name names because no one famous person, this time will be happy to do for me.
I am recently in preparation for a radical change in my life and that will help me a lot to make room for my talent and my future, I will be very soon residing in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), where I intend to again access the SL and power again create my clothes for all those who left to SL brings when I was banned.
I always subscribe to the blog for all I know and even I do not know, I know that even though my shop no longer exists, I know there are people who enjoy my creations and still use their blogs to advertise for these personally, I say, Thank you!
Thanks to everyone who sent me encouragement for my new char in Second Life, trying to find me in it and those who try to learn information about the store. To all of you I say, that in 2012, I will return to Second Life, Mystery sexy back again to be successful, starting again from zero to reach the pinnacle of all the popularity.
I thank you from the heart, I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great new year, and that everything good is realized for all, as for me is taking place.
A big hug!
Hola gente de Second Life, como todos saben, el juego fue suspendido por "supuestamente copiados" varios elementos en SL, como notcards y otros que puedan venir en el correo de las entradas más antiguas, una acusación sin pruebas fuertes, lo que en mi prohibición y la desaparición de más de 2000 artículos de la tienda, con una inversión de casi $ 100 mil dólares, donde yo trabajaba y se llevó mi sueldo cada mes.
Traté de buscar a un abogado, pero aquí en mi ciudad con más de 12 000 habitantes que no es posible, por lo que estoy en el paro desde hace casi dos años, dependiendo de mucho la ayuda de mis padres, ofertas de trabajo más en mi pueblo es pequeño es difícil.
Sin embargo, que no me deja perder la esperanza de que algún día podría ser un buen diseñador, hace poco, este año, he sido el diseño de ropa nueva otra vez hombre y mujer, ropa de alta calidad con elegancia excelente, pero debe obtener una foto del dibujo porque tengo miedo de diseñador de moda volver a ver mi blog de ideas en sus creaciones y de nuevo se queda sin créditos, como ha ocurrido, pero no voy a dar nombres porque no hay una persona famosa, en esta ocasión estará encantado de hacer por mí.
Estoy hace poco en la preparación de un cambio radical en mi vida y que me ayudará mucho para hacer espacio para mi talento y mi futuro, voy a ser muy pronto que residen en Río de Janeiro (Brasil), donde tengo la intención de acceder de nuevo el SL y el poder de nuevo crear ropa para todos los que se fueron a SL trae cuando estaba prohibido.
Yo siempre suscribirse al blog para que todo lo que sé e incluso no lo sé, yo sé que a pesar de que mi tienda ya no existe, sé que hay personas que disfrutan de mis creaciones y seguir utilizando los blogs para hacer publicidad de estos Personalmente, yo digo, ¡Gracias!
Gracias a todos los que me ha enviado ánimo para mi caracteres nuevos en Second Life, tratando de encontrar en ella y los que tratan de obtener información acerca de la tienda. A todos ustedes les digo, que en el 2012, voy a volver a Second Life, Misterio sexy de nuevo para tener éxito, volver a empezar desde cero para llegar a la cima de toda la popularidad.
Le doy las gracias desde el corazón, espero que todos ustedes tienen una gran Navidad, año nuevo grande, y que todo lo bueno se realiza para todos, para mí está llevando a cabo.
Un fuerte abrazo!
Mat Kungler
Fashion Desinger
Sensual Mistery
Ola pessoal do Second Life, como todos sabem, fui banido do jogo por "ter supostamente copiado" vários itens no SL, como notcards e entre outros como podem vem no e-mail nas postagens antigas, uma acusação forte sem provas, resultando no meu banimento e no desaparecimento de mais de 2 mil itens junto com a loja, quase um investimento de R$ 100 mil reais, onde eu trabalhava e tirava o meu salário todos os meses.
Tentei procurar um advogado, porém aqui em minha cidade com mais de 12 mil habitantes isso não é possível, com isso estou a quase 2 anos desempregado, dependendo praticamente da ajuda dos meus pais, pois vagas de empregos ainda mais na minha cidade é pequena é dificil.
No entanto isso não me deixou perder as esperanças de que um dia eu pudesse ser um bom designer, recentemente esse ano, andei desenhando novamente algumas roupas novas femininas e masculinas, roupas de alta qualidade com exelente elegância, mas vou ficar devendo uma foto dos croquis, pois tenho medo de novamente fashion designer verem meu blog para ter idéias em suas criações e eu novamente ficar sem créditos, como já aconteceu, porém não vou citar nomes por sem uma pessoa famosa, isso o tempo terá o prazer de fazer por mim.
Estou recentemente nos preparativos para uma mudança radical na minha vida que me ajudará e muito para abrir espaço para meu talento e para meu futuro, estarei muito em breve residindo no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), onde eu pretendo novamente acessar o SL e poder novamente criar minhas roupas para todos aqueles que o SL deixou para traz quando eu fui banido.
Eu sempre acompanho o blog de todos os que eu conheco e msmo os que eu não conheco, sei que por mais que minha loja não exista mais, sei que há pessoas que gostam de minhas criações e ainda usam para divulgar em seus blogs, para essas pessoal, eu digo, Muito Obrigado!
Obrigado a todos aqueles que me mandaram incentivo pelo meu char novo no Second Life, aos que tentam me procurar nele e aqueles que tentam saber informações sobre a loja. A todos vocês eu digo, que em 2012, eu irei voltar ao Second Life, que novamente a Sensual Mistery voltará a fazer sucesso, começando novamente do zero até chegar ao auge de toda a popularidade.
Eu agradeço de coração, espero que todos vocês tenham um ótimo Natal, um ótimo ano novo, e que tudo de bom se realize para todos, como para mim está se realizando.
Um forte abraço!
Hello people of Second Life, as everyone knows, the game was banned for "allegedly copied" several items in SL, as notcards and others as may come in the mail in older posts, a strong accusation without proof, resulting in my ban and the disappearance of more than 2000 items from the store, an investment of almost $ 100 thousand dollars, where I worked and took my salary every month.
I tried looking for a lawyer, but here in my city with more than 12 000 inhabitants that is not possible, so I'm unemployed for almost two years, depending on much the help of my parents, for more job openings in my town is small is difficult.
However that does not let me lose hope that one day I could be a good designer, recently this year, I've been designing some new clothes again male and female, high-quality clothing with excellent elegance, but I should get a photo of the sketch because I'm afraid of fashion designer again see my blog for ideas in their creations and I again run out of credits, as has happened, but I will not name names because no one famous person, this time will be happy to do for me.
I am recently in preparation for a radical change in my life and that will help me a lot to make room for my talent and my future, I will be very soon residing in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), where I intend to again access the SL and power again create my clothes for all those who left to SL brings when I was banned.
I always subscribe to the blog for all I know and even I do not know, I know that even though my shop no longer exists, I know there are people who enjoy my creations and still use their blogs to advertise for these personally, I say, Thank you!
Thanks to everyone who sent me encouragement for my new char in Second Life, trying to find me in it and those who try to learn information about the store. To all of you I say, that in 2012, I will return to Second Life, Mystery sexy back again to be successful, starting again from zero to reach the pinnacle of all the popularity.
I thank you from the heart, I hope you all have a great Christmas, a great new year, and that everything good is realized for all, as for me is taking place.
A big hug!
Hola gente de Second Life, como todos saben, el juego fue suspendido por "supuestamente copiados" varios elementos en SL, como notcards y otros que puedan venir en el correo de las entradas más antiguas, una acusación sin pruebas fuertes, lo que en mi prohibición y la desaparición de más de 2000 artículos de la tienda, con una inversión de casi $ 100 mil dólares, donde yo trabajaba y se llevó mi sueldo cada mes.
Traté de buscar a un abogado, pero aquí en mi ciudad con más de 12 000 habitantes que no es posible, por lo que estoy en el paro desde hace casi dos años, dependiendo de mucho la ayuda de mis padres, ofertas de trabajo más en mi pueblo es pequeño es difícil.
Sin embargo, que no me deja perder la esperanza de que algún día podría ser un buen diseñador, hace poco, este año, he sido el diseño de ropa nueva otra vez hombre y mujer, ropa de alta calidad con elegancia excelente, pero debe obtener una foto del dibujo porque tengo miedo de diseñador de moda volver a ver mi blog de ideas en sus creaciones y de nuevo se queda sin créditos, como ha ocurrido, pero no voy a dar nombres porque no hay una persona famosa, en esta ocasión estará encantado de hacer por mí.
Estoy hace poco en la preparación de un cambio radical en mi vida y que me ayudará mucho para hacer espacio para mi talento y mi futuro, voy a ser muy pronto que residen en Río de Janeiro (Brasil), donde tengo la intención de acceder de nuevo el SL y el poder de nuevo crear ropa para todos los que se fueron a SL trae cuando estaba prohibido.
Yo siempre suscribirse al blog para que todo lo que sé e incluso no lo sé, yo sé que a pesar de que mi tienda ya no existe, sé que hay personas que disfrutan de mis creaciones y seguir utilizando los blogs para hacer publicidad de estos Personalmente, yo digo, ¡Gracias!
Gracias a todos los que me ha enviado ánimo para mi caracteres nuevos en Second Life, tratando de encontrar en ella y los que tratan de obtener información acerca de la tienda. A todos ustedes les digo, que en el 2012, voy a volver a Second Life, Misterio sexy de nuevo para tener éxito, volver a empezar desde cero para llegar a la cima de toda la popularidad.
Le doy las gracias desde el corazón, espero que todos ustedes tienen una gran Navidad, año nuevo grande, y que todo lo bueno se realiza para todos, para mí está llevando a cabo.
Un fuerte abrazo!
Mat Kungler
Fashion Desinger
Sensual Mistery
segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011
.::CS::. The return of Mat Kungler in Cazzareli

I know there are many people waiting for my back because they love my clothes, then warn the people I'M COMING.
Wait, Cazzareli Store creations Cazzareli Soir, old Sensual Mistery Store.
cazzareli soir,
Mat Kungler,
Sensual Mistery
quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010
.::SM::. Notification
Hello, everybody!
I am here because of certain facts that are happening in a few weeks is for all customers of the Lodge.
Some people and most intimate friends were already aware of the actual process.
On August 8, access to the Mat Kungler, Sensual Mistery Store owner, was suspended for access to Second Life for research purposes, and therefore you can see below:
Subject: Warning or suspension of Your Second Life Account
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 03:49:08 -0700
Dear Mat Kungler,
This email is notification of action regarding your Second Life account,
Mat Kungler, for violation of the Second Life Terms of Service or Community
Violation: Terms of Service: Permissions Abuse
Circumventing the permissions system to obtain rights not
intended by the creators of objects, avatars, scripts,
textures, notecards, etc. is prohibited by the Second Life
Community Standards and Terms of Service.
No additional action is being taken at this time.
As you can see, my case had no specification of which I was reported and Suspend account.
I sent the ticket as the support staff guided me, and waited the answer.
I kept creating clothes in another avatar, because I love working for people who like my creations.
For a long time I'm in Second Life, dedicating myself to more than three years, I've never experienced such situations occur that have come now.
I encrevendo this notification because I want to make clear to everyone, because I'm not afraid to be judged from the moment I'm not that wrongly accused.
Linden Lab is seen by right, or believes he has the right to act in such brutality on its residents before making a research on his life in the world or even what it is used to his life in Second Life.
My life was just work, I stay connected by creating and constantly doing updates to put the store in order to secure a job like any other in my real life.
Today on August 25, three weeks after my lock, after so call and try to talk to someone from the support of Linden Lab, the following email arrived:
Subject: RE: [00874987] A comment has been added to your Case.
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 23:03:35 +0000
Please reconsider my case, I believe have not violated any rules of linden, I never used copybot or other means to make copies, I have to pay my bills, I depend on the second life to work with, not just do this to me, I'm so long in the game, my job is only in second life, I have something else to do, please deliver me my avatar, if something is wrong in my inventory, remove everything, but please I need to work I have 250 in bills to pay and have no money. I want to review my case, please I depend on the second life to keep me.
I want a complete list of what I did wrong.
Mat Kungler
I'm not afraid to expose my life or Second Life as well, to why I always tried to walk as the rules rule.
My premium account is, I am of legal age and have a great creativity, just as everyone can see, is not well judged.
I have all files, all textures of my shop and the clothes inside my computer on an external hard drive, any alien thing they investigate, they could have access, for surely I would send anything to the end to prove my innocence.
I answered a ticket, and I again expect a decision by Linden Lab, because my access was blocked by IP.
His Sensual Mistery Store is in second life with access to the Sept. 23, starting this day, all the clothes are returned, unfortunately the envy of some people, make the sadness of many others.
I hope to return again with my same avatar, do not need anything, just my avatar, earlier, for surely I will return to Second Life all sit back and have your clothes in the Sensual Mistery Store.
Appreciate the cooperation of everyone for the success of these three years of Sensual Mistery Store, and hopefully soon return to nearly everyone.
Twist for me.
A big hug!
ps: I will certainly work with clothes, very soon, all in real life poderam have your Sensual Mistery in their wardrobe.
Mat Kungler
Designer Of Sensual Mistery Store
I am here because of certain facts that are happening in a few weeks is for all customers of the Lodge.
Some people and most intimate friends were already aware of the actual process.
On August 8, access to the Mat Kungler, Sensual Mistery Store owner, was suspended for access to Second Life for research purposes, and therefore you can see below:
Subject: Warning or suspension of Your Second Life Account
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 03:49:08 -0700
Dear Mat Kungler,
This email is notification of action regarding your Second Life account,
Mat Kungler, for violation of the Second Life Terms of Service or Community
Violation: Terms of Service: Permissions Abuse
Circumventing the permissions system to obtain rights not
intended by the creators of objects, avatars, scripts,
textures, notecards, etc. is prohibited by the Second Life
Community Standards and Terms of Service.
No additional action is being taken at this time.
As you can see, my case had no specification of which I was reported and Suspend account.
I sent the ticket as the support staff guided me, and waited the answer.
I kept creating clothes in another avatar, because I love working for people who like my creations.
For a long time I'm in Second Life, dedicating myself to more than three years, I've never experienced such situations occur that have come now.
I encrevendo this notification because I want to make clear to everyone, because I'm not afraid to be judged from the moment I'm not that wrongly accused.
Linden Lab is seen by right, or believes he has the right to act in such brutality on its residents before making a research on his life in the world or even what it is used to his life in Second Life.
My life was just work, I stay connected by creating and constantly doing updates to put the store in order to secure a job like any other in my real life.
Today on August 25, three weeks after my lock, after so call and try to talk to someone from the support of Linden Lab, the following email arrived:
Subject: RE: [00874987] A comment has been added to your Case.
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 23:03:35 +0000
Please reconsider my case, I believe have not violated any rules of linden, I never used copybot or other means to make copies, I have to pay my bills, I depend on the second life to work with, not just do this to me, I'm so long in the game, my job is only in second life, I have something else to do, please deliver me my avatar, if something is wrong in my inventory, remove everything, but please I need to work I have 250 in bills to pay and have no money. I want to review my case, please I depend on the second life to keep me.
I want a complete list of what I did wrong.
Mat Kungler
I'm not afraid to expose my life or Second Life as well, to why I always tried to walk as the rules rule.
My premium account is, I am of legal age and have a great creativity, just as everyone can see, is not well judged.
I have all files, all textures of my shop and the clothes inside my computer on an external hard drive, any alien thing they investigate, they could have access, for surely I would send anything to the end to prove my innocence.
I answered a ticket, and I again expect a decision by Linden Lab, because my access was blocked by IP.
His Sensual Mistery Store is in second life with access to the Sept. 23, starting this day, all the clothes are returned, unfortunately the envy of some people, make the sadness of many others.
I hope to return again with my same avatar, do not need anything, just my avatar, earlier, for surely I will return to Second Life all sit back and have your clothes in the Sensual Mistery Store.
Appreciate the cooperation of everyone for the success of these three years of Sensual Mistery Store, and hopefully soon return to nearly everyone.
Twist for me.
A big hug!
ps: I will certainly work with clothes, very soon, all in real life poderam have your Sensual Mistery in their wardrobe.
Mat Kungler
Designer Of Sensual Mistery Store
male fashion
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